
Tips from the pro: dos and don’ts of creating an organized home

February 24, 2020

I’m here to give away my secrets. Ok, maybe not all of them. But the ones that I think everyone should know, no matter if you work with a professional organizer (hi, that’s me!) on a regular basis, or prefer to tackle the home projects alone. I originally created these tips for an article I wrote in Apartment Therapy, but I’ve receive so many requests for them that they deserve a post of there own.



  1. Don’t shop for organizing products until you’ve sorted, purged, and measured your space.
  2. Don’t buy an organizing product that you don’t actually need. They might look practical on display in the store but if you don’t need it, you’re just adding to your clutter.
  3. Don’t hold onto something because you’re worried you might need it down the road. Instead, loan it out or donate it. If you rarely use it, chances are you’re better off borrowing it from a friend, family member, neighbor, or library on the rare occasions that you want it.


  1. Reuse what you can, and donate what you won’t. 
  2. Do seasonal clean outs / purges of all areas in your home: pantry, medicine cabinet, closets, and more. If it’s a seasonal item (bathing suits, scarves, etc.) that you hadn’t used that entire season, get rid of it. If it’s an all-year product that you haven’t used in 12 months, find it a home that will give it more use. 
  3. Know your home inventory. Keeping tabs on what you have reduces buying in excess. For example, keep your batteries in clear containers so you can buy more only when you’re running low. 

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